1.牦牛:学名Bos grunniens 英文名Wild Yak 别名野牛、野牦牛
2.岩羊:学名Pseudois nayaur 英文名(Bharal,Himalayan)Blue sheep 别名:蓝羊、石羊、青羊、崖羊
3.坡鹿:学名Cervus eldii hainanus 英文名Eld's deer, Thamin 别名:眉杈鹿、眉角鹿
4.羚牛:学名Budorcas taxicolor 英文名Takin 别名:扭角羚、牛羚、金毛扭角羚
5.黑颈鹤: 学名Grus nigricollis 英文名black-necked crane 别名: 藏鹤 鹤
6.滇螈:学名Hypselotriton Wolterstorff (Boul-enjer) 英文名Yunnan Lake Newt
7.大凉疣螈:学名Tylototriton taliangensis 英文名Liu Taliang Knobby Newt
8.贵州疣螈:学名Tylototriton kweichowoensis Fang and Chang 英文名Red-tailed Knobby newt
9.大熊猫:学名: Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca
英文名: Giant Panda
10.藏羚羊:学名:Pantholops hodgsoni 英文名:Tibetan antelope 别名: 羚羊 西藏羚羊 长角羊 独角兽 一角兽
11.朱鹮:学名nippon 英文俗名: Crested Ibis
12.黑长臂猿:学名:Hylobates concolor 英文名:Concolor Gibbon 别名:黑冠长臂猿、吼猴、撩梆猴、长臂猿、料猴、风猴、黑猴
13.白掌长臂猿:学名:Hylobates lar 英文名:white-handed Gibbon 别名:白手长臂猿 僚棒猴 南尼
14.白眉长臂猿:学名:Bunopithecus hoolock 英文名: Hoolock(White-browed) Gibbon 别名:长臂猿 呼猴
15.白颊长臂猿:学名Hylobates leucogenys 英文名: White-cheeked Gibbon 别名:长臂猿、料猴、“南里”(傣)
16.川金丝猴:学名Rhinopithecus roxellanae 英文名:Golden Snub-nosed Monkey 别名:狮子鼻猴 仰鼻猴 金绒猴 兰面猴 洛克安娜猴 长尾子 线子 线绒 马绒 果然兽 果然绒 金线绒
17.滇金丝猴:学名Rhinopithecus bieti 英文名:Black Snub-nose monkey 别名:黑金丝猴 黑仰鼻猴 雪猴 花猴
18.黔金丝猴:学名Rhinopithecus brelichi 英文名:Guizhou Golden Monkey 别名:灰金丝猴 白肩仰鼻猴 牛尾猴 线绒
19.东北虎:学名Panthera tigris 英文名:Tiger 别 名:李耳、白额虎、黄斑虎
20.普氏原羚:学名:Procapra przewalskii 英文名:Przewalski's Gazelle 别名:滩原羚、滩黄羊
21.亚洲象: 学名Maximus 英文名:Asian Elephant
别名:野象 老象 印度象 大象 大笨象
22.紫貂:学名Martes zibellina 英文名:Sable 别名:貂,貂鼠,赤貂,黑貂,大叶子,栗貂,松狗,青门貂
23.石纹猫:学名Pardofelis marmorata 英文名:Marbled cat 别名:石猫 石斑猫 草豹 小云豹 小云猫 豹皮
24.食蟹獴: 学名Herpestes urva 英文名: Crab-eating Mongoose 别名:山獾 棕蓑猫 石獾 水獾 白猸 笋狸 竹筒狸
25.云豹:学名Neofelis nebulosa 英文名:Clouded Leopard 别名:乌云豹、龟纹豹、荷叶豹、艾叶豹
26.豹猫:学名:Prionailurus bengalensis 英文名:Leopard cat 别名:山狸、野猫、狸子(商品名)、狸猫、麻狸、铜钱猫、石虎
According to the zoologist statistics on earth, is known about 1.5 million animals.
Animals can be divided into vertebrates and invertebrates two kinds big.
Invertebrates body no spine, most individuals is very small, but many kinds, accounting for more than 90% of the whole animal species. For example flies, mosquitoes, worms, butterfly, etc.
Vertebrates and can be divided into fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and wild animals five groups.
Fish including water fish and freshwater fish a total of 25000 ~ 30000 kinds, such as the carp.
Amphibians, there are more than 2000 kinds, such as frog.
There are more than 3000 kinds of reptiles, such as snakes.
Birds have 9000 kinds, such as doves.
Earth has more than 4500 kinds of, like a horse.
There are many animals in the world.
如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!