
2024-08-11 23:26:52 最新知识 梁佰亿


Give your family set a fit meal 给你的家人制定一份健康的饭菜 How to keep fit?Give you one shedule for you.如何来保持健康?给你一个计划表。


1、写作思路:先介绍家庭成员,再分别写每个成员的饮食习惯和爱好,同时注意语法。There are three people in my family,father,mother,and me.我家有三口人,父亲、母亲和我。My father is an ordinary employees,like watch TV and read a book.我的父亲是一个普通的员工,比如看电视和读一本书。

2、eat a little fruit.在我妈妈的照顾下,我的饮食习惯是很有规律的。我常常在早上喝粥。有时候我妈妈会帮我准备一些小菜。但是有时候,我就会放一个鸡蛋到粥里来喝鸡蛋粥。中午的时候,我是在学校饭堂吃的。有时候我会吃粉。晚上我妈妈会给我准备好丰盛的晚餐,晚饭后,我会吃一些苹果。

3、I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a week. And I sleep nine hours every day.~ 1 / 4 ~The better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomes.当今社会中,人已经知道,重要的是保持健康和良好的生活习惯。


1、You can not miss your lunch because you need to get energy for the rest of the day.你不能错过你的午餐,因为你需要一整天的精力。


3、In the morning, I usually eat bread,eggs and a glass of milk.In the afternoon ,I usually have beef,fish and vegetable soup.In the evening, I uaually have noodles and some fruit 早上我经常吃面包,鸡蛋和牛奶。中午的时候我通常吃点牛肉,鱼还有蔬菜汤。晚饭我就吃点面条和水果。

4、In the evening,we had a big meal,We had a turkey for dinner,that was fantastic!And my father cooked tomato noodles for our family.I had a cake after dinner,it tastes so sweet,and i like it very much!饮食对我们的健康很重要,所以我来告诉你有关我每天的饮食。

5、We have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and supper. Breakfast is in the morning. Lunch is at noon and supper is in the evening. We have vegetables and meat every day. So we are healthy.我们每天吃三餐饭:早餐、中餐和晚餐。早餐是在早上。午餐和晚餐正午是在晚上。


一。早饭 粥、花卷、煮鸡蛋、芹菜胡萝卜丁。或者:一片涂有黄油或奶酪和果酱的面包,一杯牛奶,两片水果,几个葡萄干。


Give your family set a fit meal 给你的家人制定一份健康的饭菜 How to keep fit?Give you one shedule for you.如何来保持健康?给你一个计划表。



2、to) eat an apple.i think eating healthy is very important because we can fight diseases better. it would (definitely )make us look young. (furthermore, )better diet can make us happier too.不太清楚初一作文是什么样的,我已经很简单的写了 如果太复杂 就把我括号里的词去掉。
