1、关于健康和食物的英语谚语如下:Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我。Leave off with an appetie.吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌。
关于健康和食物的英语谚语如下:Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我。Leave off with an appetie.吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌。
Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper.事前希望很美好,事后希望徒恼。健康饮食英语谚语推荐 haste makes waste 心急吃不了热豆腐 lick ones chops垂涎欲滴 help yourself to sth 随便吃。。Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。
A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,不用请医生。An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.预防为主,治疗为辅。A sound mind in a sound body.健全的精神寓于健康的身体。
Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。Diet cures more than doctors. 自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果, 无需医生进门。Leave off with an appetite. 吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。
健康饮食的中英文谚语 Fool make feasts and wise men eat them. 蠢人常被聪明人利用。 Good wine sells itself. 货好自会有人求。 Hunger is the best sauce. 饥饿是最好的调味汁。 In wine there is truth. 酒后吐真言。
Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我。Leave off with an appetie.吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌。Eat at pleasure,drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒。
吃健康的食物是有好处的英语是:It is good to eat healthy food。有关健康饮食的谚语:A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。
有关健康的英语谚语 饭前一碗汤,气死好药方。A bowl of soup before dinner is a good prescription for breathlessness.甜言夺志、甜食坏龄。Sweet words win ambition, sweet food bad age.尽量少喝酒,病魔绕道走。
健康饮食英语谚语精选 Hunger finds no fault with the cookery.饥不择食。Hunger is the best sauce.饥饿是最好的调味汁。In wine there is truth.酒后吐真言。Many a slip***many things fall***between the cup and the lip.凡事难以十拿稳。
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.预防为主,治疗为辅.Good wine sells itself.货好自会有人求。Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒。A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入。
A sound mind in a sound body健康的思想寓于健康的身体。Fine grain collocation, less meat and more nutrients精细粮食巧搭配,少荤多素有营养。Sour jujube with sugar, sleeping helps a lot酸枣加白糖,安眠帮大忙。
haste makes waste 心急吃不了热豆腐 lick ones chops垂涎欲滴 help yourself to sth 随便吃。。Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离 Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。
关于健康和食物的英语谚语如下:Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我。Leave off with an appetie.吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌。
To prevent beriberi, rice bran boiled porridge.2预防肠胃病,饮食要干净。Prevent gastrointestinal diseases and keep your diet clean.30、吃药不忌嘴,跑断医生腿。Take medicine without fear of mouth, break the doctors leg.关于健康的英文谚语 心虚气不足,桂圆米煮粥。
A healthy diet: there is truth to the old saying “you are what you eat”. If you want to live a long and healthy life, make sure you maintain a healthy diet.健康的饮食: 俗话说“吃什么就是什么”,这是有道理的,如果你想长寿健康的生活,你务必要保持一个健康的饮食。
Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。5Eat to live,but do not live to eat.为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。
1、关于食物的英文谚语俗语 欲得长生,肠中常清。If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear.常吃素,好养肚。Frequent vegetarian diet, good stomach.病从口入,祸从口出。
2、the first one to eat crab.第一个吃螃蟹的人。比喻这个人十分大胆有勇气敢于尝试新事物。Crab不仅有螃蟹的意思,还可以指那些脾气怪戾、爱抱怨的人。例如:My neighbor is such an old crab. 我的邻居可真是个爱争吵的人。You are my lobster.你是我的龙虾。
3、小寒大寒,杀猪过年。- Small Cold and Great Cold, killing pigs for the New Year. 雨打清明前,春雨定频繁。- Rain before Qingming ensures frequent spring showers. 吃了重阳糕,夏衣就打包。
4、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。A bad padlock invites a picklock. 开门揖盗。A bad penny always turns up.A bad thing never dies. 坏事传千年。A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。
5、妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。 A great talker is a great liar. 说大话者多谎言。 A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。 A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend. 戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。 A leopard cannot change its spots. 积习难改。
1、食五谷杂粮,保身体强壮。Eat five grains to keep your body strong.好吃不痴胀,痴胀伤五脏。Delicious food does not inflate, inflate and injure the internal organs.吃要有所节制,饮需适可而止。Eat moderately and drink moderately.早吃好,午吃饱,晚吃少。
2、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,疾病远离我。Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起,令人健康、富有而且聪明。
3、Diet cures more than doctors.自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我。Leave off with an appetie.吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌。Eat at pleasure,drink with measure.随意吃饭,适度饮酒。
4、欲得长生,肠中常清。If you want to live forever, your intestines will always be clear.常吃素,好养肚。Frequent vegetarian diet, good stomach.病从口入,祸从口出。Diseases come from the mouth, and misfortunes come from the mouth.人想长寿安,要减夜来餐。
5、关于饮食的英语谚语 The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。We rean what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。help yourself to sth 随便吃……Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever.饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃。A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入。
6、健康饮食的中英文谚语 Fool make feasts and wise men eat them. 蠢人常被聪明人利用。 Good wine sells itself. 货好自会有人求。 Hunger is the best sauce. 饥饿是最好的调味汁。 In wine there is truth. 酒后吐真言。